Rheumatopics - Brick by brick | Rheumatology Conference | Empowered by Lilly
Start: 25th April 14:00
End: 26st April 12:00

Leopoldstraat 9, rue Léopold , 1000 Brussels
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Select the topic you would like to see discussed at RheumaTopics 2024 : ?

During the RheumaTopics conference some topics chosen by the participants will be discussed.

This conference requires Mdeon approval. Therefore, we are obliged to provide you with a fiscal certificate of €422. ?

As this is an Mdeon approved conference with an amount exceeding €125, we are obliged to provide you with a fiscal certificate otherwise known as the ‘Fiche fiscal 281.50’.

The amount on this certificate refers to the costs covered by Lilly for your participation to this conference (meals, accommodation, etc.)

It is important to note only 2,48% of this amount is subject to taxation.


If the total amount on the fiscal certificate equals €500, only 2,48% of this amount is subject to taxation. The taxable basis in this case is €12,40.

If we assume in this case a participant has an average tax percentage of 40%, then the amount of taxes paid is €12,40 x 40% = €4,96.

In this example, the actual amount paid in taxes will result in €4,96.

More information can be found here.

In order to provide this certificate, we would require the following information:

If you wish to receive the certificate under the company name, please enter company name.

If wish to receive under your personal name, leave this field blank.

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If you wish to receive the certificate under the company name, please enter the company ID number (nummer kruispuntbank ondernemingen - numéro d’entreprise).

If you wish to receive the certificate under your personal name, please enter your national identification number (rijksregisternummer - numéro de registre national).

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Please enter address to which the fiscal certificate can be sent to.

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Please enter your e-mail address to which the fiscal certificate can be sent to.
